

The Aerospace industry encompasses a wide range of activities related to the design, development, production, and maintenance of aircraft, spacecraft, and related components. It is a technologically advanced and highly regulated sector that plays a critical role in transportation, national defense, and exploration.

In the aerospace industry, engineers and scientists work together to design and innovate aircraft and spacecraft, pushing the boundaries of science and engineering. Manufacturers then undertake the complex process of building these sophisticated machines, ensuring strict adherence to safety and quality standards.

Additionally, the aerospace industry involves airlines and operators who provide air transportation services, managing fleets of aircraft and ensuring passenger safety. Maintenance and repair organizations play a vital role in keeping aircraft in optimal condition, ensuring their airworthiness through regular inspections and maintenance activities.

Furthermore, the aerospace industry encompasses space exploration, satellite deployment, and related research and development. It involves collaborations between government agencies, private companies, and international partners to explore the cosmos and develop technologies that advance our understanding of the universe.


Companies (6 Companies)

Company Country Intention Progress
Ball Corporation Exited Russia Exit Completed
Linas Agro Group Exited Russia Exit Completed
Bunge Exited Russia Exit Completed
Cadence Exited Russia Exit Completed
Incoff Aerospace Exited Russia Cancelled All Transactions
Senior PLC Exited Russia Exit Completed
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