


Kyrgyzstan, officially known as the Kyrgyz Republic, is a landlocked country located in Central Asia. It is bordered by Kazakhstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tajikistan to the southwest, and China to the east. The country has a diverse landscape, with mountain ranges, valleys, and beautiful alpine lakes.

Kyrgyzstan gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 and has since transitioned to a democratic system of government. It is known for its vibrant culture, nomadic heritage, and warm hospitality. The Kyrgyz people have a rich tradition of horsemanship and are known for their traditional felt-making, music, and cuisine.

The country offers stunning natural beauty, including the majestic Tien Shan mountain range and the famous Lake Issyk-Kul, which is one of the largest alpine lakes in the world. Tourism is an important sector of the economy, attracting visitors with its trekking, mountaineering, and cultural experiences.

Kyrgyzstan is also an important transit hub in Central Asia, connecting neighboring countries through its strategic location. The capital city, Bishkek, is a bustling urban center with modern amenities and a mix of Soviet-era and contemporary architecture.

Trading Partners (0 Data)

  • Exports to:
  • Russia $ 7.1 B USD

Company Actions (0 Companies)



Statistical Data

  • Population: 6,524,195
  • GDP: $ 8.5 B USD
  • Land Area:191,800 km2
  • Population Density:34 per km2


Sanctions against Kyrgyzstan

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Sanctioned by Kyrgyzstan

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